Leadership Development

Wellbeing and nature background left
Wellbeing and nature background right
Setting direction
Ace our lead mare

Our vision is to cultivate generations of leaders who drive healthy and sustainable organisations. We empower leaders with insights from our team of 17 equines to address challenges such as disconnected teams, high turnover, leadership gaps, stress and ineffective communication

Empowering Leadership through Equine Insights

Shared Leadership Inspired by Herd Dynamics: Model effective leadership using horse behaviour.

Hands-On Learning: Enhance communication and team cohesion through interactive experiences.

Program Options:

Extended Programs: Comprehensive frameworks for growth, merging storytelling with personalised coaching.

Half-Day Sessions: A glimpse into equine wisdom, focusing on non-verbal communication, presence, and emotional intelligence.

Full-Day Immersions: Deep dives into principled leadership, providing space for personal reflection and a deeper bond with the horses.

Mirrored Leadership: Reflective Practices for Inspired Guidance
Connection at liberty

Our programs are designed to transform leadership and team dynamics through immersive experiences with horses:

  1. Enhanced Communication Skills: Develop better ways to communicate within teams.
  2. Strengthened Leadership Abilities: Gain practical leadership skills inspired by equine behaviour.
  3. Improved Team Cohesion: Foster a stronger, more united team.
  4. Increased Emotional Intelligence: Enhance self-awareness and empathy.
  5. Reduced Stress and Burnout: Learn strategies to manage and mitigate workplace stress.
Email us to inquire
  1. Unique Approach: Utilising biomimicry and equine insights for deep experiential learning.
  2. Tailored Programs:Custom-designed for modern workplaces to enhance leadership and team dynamics.
  3. Proven Impact: Success stories with measurable improvements in communication, leadership, and team culture.

Join Us
Discover how our unique approach can benefit your organisation. Contact us to learn more or get involved.

''It was brilliant. It helped get through a big blocker in my thinking about leadership - a blocker I didn't even know I had before the session. It helped me realise that no one leads alone - you need a combination of people to lead a project or idea to success. Would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about going along''

''I found the session really insightful and affirming. The concept of a single, hierarchical leader has never sat well with me, so the idea of shared leadership and shared responsibilities felt a lot more comfortable and in line with my own values of servant leadership.''