Empowering Communities, One Horse at a Time

2025 Impact Report: Building Resilient Communities with Eat Sleep Ride
This year has been transformative for Eat Sleep Ride, a charity dedicated to empowering individuals through the unique connection between horses and nature. From becoming a registered apprenticeship center to launching new therapeutic spaces like sensory gardens and nature walks, we’ve touched hundreds of lives. Highlights from 2025 include:
- Supporting over 1,700 participants through equine-assisted events and leadership programs.
- Engaging young people with accredited awards and pathways to employment.
- Enhancing mental health and resilience through tailored workshops.
- Advancing environmental stewardship with rewilding projects and eco-friendly initiatives.
Our programs continue to foster confidence, connection, and growth across diverse communities. Visit our 2025 Impact Report in the link below to discover the stories, milestones, and goals shaping our mission to create a better world—one person and one horse at a time.